
To be the leading provider of NETWORK AND APPLICATION MANAGEMENT platforms for PRIVATE WIRELESS NETWORKS with Edge Computing, leveraging AI as a foundation for comprehensive DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION and intelligent management systems, WENet is headquartered in Silicon Valley and operates in VietNam. We are committed to delivering the most advanced technology and fostering collaboration to develop ecosystems for all businesses.


(Mobile Private 5G + Wifi 6 + Edge Computing + Edge AI)


  • Maintain and leverage the advantages of the Cloud: Connectivity everywhere, centralized management, easy data and application sharing.
  • Private network management: Mobile Private 5G + Wifi Access Point + Edge Computing + Edge AI, easily managed without local IT, utilizing AI in network management.
  • Operates like a local cloud: Connect and interact between devices, ensuring performance and continuity.
  • Direct connection with WLAN network: Support seamless connectivity, ensuring stability and high speed.
  • Synchronize applications at Edge Computing and Cloud: Update and maintain information linkage easily.


  • Integrate and transform cloud-based application software (ONLINE): into processing software in LAN (OFFLINE) environment, utilizing the advantages of Edge Computing and local network.
  • Multi-application installation: Easily and quickly install applications into edge computing to operate simultaneously, helping businesses manage effectively and conveniently.
  • Applications used easily without needing to install APP: scan QR code into the local network and use the application directly on the LAN.
  • Application clustering: Optimize the sharing of applications and data between devices, ensuring smooth and efficient user experience.
  • Cloud sync: Update and maintain information links between local and cloud.


(Core Technology Platform)

Wireless Private Network-Mobile 4G/5G & Wifi

  • Efficiently build private wireless networks for all applications, from small stores (1 Wi-Fi Access Point) to large campuses (Mobile 4G/5G and multiple Wi-Fi Service Points), ensuring widespread connectivity. 
  • Design and manage the network, manage operations, no IT required for customers. 
  • Security ensuring network safety. 
  • Easily manage and expand connections and networks. 
  • Flexible and customizable services to meet unique business needs. 
  • Seamless integration of private and public networks for enhanced connectivity.

Edge Computing

  • A system of computing and servers placed in the LAN connected to end-user devices, processing on-site, optimizing bandwidth and reducing latency. 
  • Aggregating small computing links to meet processing needs, supercomputing. 
  • Support edge application computing with AI algorithms. 
  • Support connected applications and software such as CDN, IoT... 
  • Optimize edge computing solutions according to needs. 
  • Centralized management, compatible, and synchronized with cloud services.

Innovative Interactive Communication

  • Transform TVs into digital signage that can interact with users via smartphones.
  • Localize presentation content and applications, allowing end-users to interact with content and applications on-site.
  • Enable interaction with 3D image content, AR, VR technology, and simulations smoothly and in real-time for engaging and easy communication.
  • Beneficial for communication, interaction, and engagement purposes, with low investment and deployment costs, leveraging smartphones.

Managed Service Platform

  • A platform built to easily provide applications to businesses and end-users, utilizing AI technology features, eliminating the need for IT personnel within businesses.
  • Ensures a stable, secure network system and optimizes operating costs.
  • Allows cloud-based application software providers to develop offline services for customers, reducing costs and expanding market reach.
  • Manages security and data protection.
  • Monitors and reports to track system performance.


( Modern Market Trends and Potential )


WENet provides IT infrastructure platforms for Smart Campus and digital transformation in education, building a smart learning environment using digital technology, where students and faculty can interact, access information, and learn easily anytime, anywhere.

  • Smart Campus: IT infrastructure platform creating a private network for the entire campus and branches, providing interactive communication systems, digital signage, smartphones, digital maps, order management, security, events, canteens, libraries, etc.
  • Smart Learning: Provides tools to build 3D digital learning materials, VR, AR, interactive, visual simulation in teaching; supports the construction and management of interactive digital classrooms, practice rooms, quizzes...


Apply WENet's edge computing technology, AI, and interactive communication to design and manage professional events at every stage:

  • Before the event: Utilize online cloud platforms for event information such as introductions, announcements, promotions, registrations, etc.
  • During and on-site at the event: Information and applications on the cloud will be updated to the on-site system, seamlessly integrating with event applications such as check-in, program registration, VR interaction, AR, and 3D simulation for introductions, promotions, connections, and on-site access.
  • After the event: Information from the event will be updated and synchronized with the cloud for online access, serving participants with information storage, connection forums, reports, statistics, and data analysis.


Digital transformation for hotels and resorts with interactive communication technology, 3D modeling, VR, AR, and simulation for promotion, business, and operations brings the following benefits: 

  • Personalized experience via smartphones: AR, VR, 3D simulation applications help access and experience vivid and easy, digital maps, product information, services, promotion, environment, and ecosystem.
  • Real-time interaction: Simplify the understanding, selection, ordering, and service process.
  • Virtual guide: Use AI for customer support through interaction.
  • Seamless access to customers through online and offline: pre, during, and post-journey information and data are stored and synchronized for customers.

Retail Food & Beverages

WENet provides solutions with low investment costs, offering an excellent experience for customers to understand products, food safety, personalization, proactivity, and reduce time costs. Businesses can easily engage with customers, increase revenue, and reduce operating costs.

  • Use interactive digital technology, 3D, VR, AR to advertise and promote products, food, clearly and attractively to customers such as digital signage, 3D menu on smartphones, etc.
  • Proactively interact with AI for introduction and ordering, quickly and conveniently.
  • Reduce investment and operating costs for business owners: Integrate with existing tools and devices, simplify operational processes due to proactive customer interaction.


Technology Pioneer

WENet  leads in providing an IT-free "As a Services" Network and Application platform for Enteprise, and a leader in private 5G and Wi-Fi edge computing and Edge AI technology that provides solutions for digital transformation, thereby reshaping the modern way of doing business.

Continuous Innovation

WENet continuously innovates, develops intelligent management and operational systems, enhances user experience, and optimizes business performance.

International Experience

With headquarters in Silicon Valley and expanded operations in Vietnam and the USA, WENet understands the global and local market, providing suitable solutions for every business.

Sustainable Development

We strive to promote sustainable development, ensure access to advanced technology, and create the foundation of each industry's ecosystem for members to participate in providing services to all customers, from large organizations to small and medium-sized enterprises.

​Why Choose WENet ?

WENet with an advanced network and application management platform is a reliable partner to help you leverage new technology, expand opportunities, and achieve success in the digital era.

Expand Your Business Opportunities with WENet